Friday- 23 Nov 2018 19h3 & Saturday – 24 Nov 15h00 & 19h30
Jazzart’s ‘Nexus’ embodies human capacity for connections
Jazzart Dance Theatre’s innovative spirit has long captivated theatre-goers with works that challenge and inspire. Valued as one of the most significant contemporary dance companies in Africa, Jazzart has come to epitomise the transformative value of the art form. The company’s upcoming production, entitled Nexus, now enhances their portfolio with dance that once again speaks to the future by being mindful of the past.
The overarching concept of Nexus is articulated as the visceral analogy for a universal craving for a central link with which we can identify. As we stand in the middle of any intersection, in the eye of the storm, the potential for connecting lies in our bodies
Nexus will be performed at Artscape 23 and 24 November 2018 Tickets cost R100 and are available at www.computicket.com or Computicket box offices.