The Outreach Programme is the embodiment of the Jazzart philosophy and commitment to social change through dance.
The Outreach Programme provides dance, performance, training and creative interventions to communities each year. These interventions use the arts as an educational tool and enable young people, mainly in historically disadvantaged communities, to express themselves creatively.

Programme Objectives
Provide creative outlets for vulnerable children and youth to have fun and strengthen their confidence and choices about their bodies.
Create formal partnerships with schools and community organisations focused on developing the creative potential of children and youth.
Facilitate and support the development of an emerging organisations who are actively involved in dance in their community
The programme is delivered to participants in the following forms:
Weekly dance classes at community-based afterschool programmes.
Holiday Programmes to keep children and youth active when after-school programmes are not running.
Support to dance teachers at dance-focus schools.
Skills development for trainees to pay-it-forward and give back to the communities they hail from.
Job opportunities to graduates to teach in the community.
Touring of productions to communities.
“We rise by lifting others” – Robert Ingersoll