Jazzart is the oldest contemporary dance
company in the Cape, if not Africa

52-year-old Jazzart Dance Theatre is acknowledged as South Africa’s oldest contemporary dance theatre company that has, and continues, to exert a powerful influence on the development of dance in South Africa. The Jazzart methodology ensures that strong technique is matched with a uniquely South African dance philosophy that is rooted in the diversity of the culture and traditions of our country. Its prodigious creative and critical output allows it to use dance as a transformative tool and to fully interrogate social awareness and cultural inclusiveness – thus embodying the transformative principles and values of South Africa’s Bill of Rights.


To be a sustainable African contemporary dance theatre company that promotes social change through the continuous reflection of our South African past to influence and shape the future of the arts.


To challenge the dance status quo and social stereotypes through contemporary dance training and performances that celebrate the uniqueness of our bodies as creative instruments which give voice to our African stories.


The advancement, promotion and preservation of the arts and culture of South Africa through dance that draws inspiration from our historic and cultural past.


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